George Alden established the George I. Alden Trust on August 24, 1912, for the general purpose of ‘the maintenance of some charitable or philanthropic enterprises’ with specific interest in ‘the promotion of education in schools, colleges, or other educational institutions.’ He had a particular interest in Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), vocational education in Worcester, and the work of YMCAs.
Given the perpetual character of the Trust and the certainty that needs and priorities change over time, the Trust further provides that ‘Trustees shall have the widest discretion in their interpretation of the purposes of this Trust...’
The current Trustees continue the Trust’s historical grantmaking focus in five primary areas and in pursuit of Alden’s desire ‘to do the greatest good for the greatest number.’ In the first four areas, the Trustees concentrate on support for capital needs:

George I. Alden, 1843-1926
Higher education, in support of independent undergraduate education in smaller institutions with full-time undergraduate enrollments (headcount) of at least 1,000 students and with total undergraduate and graduate student populations (full-time equivalents) of 5,000 or fewer. This support is directed to institutions in the six New England states and in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. View Guidelines
In support of Alden’s interest in doing good for his community of Worcester, Massachusetts, the Trustees seek to provide grant support for important and timely efforts in the Worcester community and the educationally-related nonprofit organizations that are undertaking them. View Guidelines
Consistent with Alden’s historical interest in the work of YMCAs, the Trustees provide significant support for the YMCA of Central Massachusetts, as well as lesser levels of support for other Massachusetts YMCAs. View Guidelines
The Trustees carry on Alden’s interest in vocational education, predominately through support of the Worcester Technical High School. The Trustees also support independent secondary education in the immediate Worcester area. View Guidelines
At a much more modest level, and when disbursable funds allow, the Trustees have undertaken an annual program of year-end, unsolicited, unrestricted grants to a broad spectrum of Worcester area nonprofit organizations that fall outside the four primary grantmaking areas. For additional information

Established by George Alden in 1912